Bespoke Engineering

On many occasions, the industry is faced with exceptional challenges that can often lead to lucrative projects for clients providing they find a suitable engineering solution. In the world of print finishing Col-Tec has often been called upon to build both custom collating equipment for special applications and other finishing machinery solutions. The latest example is a large format Stitch and Fold unit for the Early Learning educational market as the sheet sizes made stitching and folding on conventional equipment troublesome, or impossible. In order to support automatic production lines, Col-Tec will produce the necessary interfaces to conveyors, binding equipment, film-wrapping machines, etc all to individual specification.


Stitch & Folding Braille Material













For many years Col-Tec have been solving our clients finishing equipment problems by designing and building special application machines. This has led us into many other markets outside of collating machinery where we use our 50 years experience and knowledge in the manufacture of purpose-built collating machines to devise and meet other challenging applications. Our expertise and engineering ingenuity have made Col-Tec the market leader in special application collating equipment and other associated products.

  • Large Format Stitching & Folding

  • Braille Stitching and Folding

  • Collating and folding tissue papers for flower wraps

  • Numerous interface conveyors to other machinery

  • Offset stacking delivery conveyors

  • Stitchers for wallpaper pattern books

  • Gluing solutions added to collators

  • Custom made deep pile stacking units

  • Folding and cross folding units for newspapers

  • Feeders and insertion devices for mail order applications


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