Optional Equipment

Col-Tec provide a wide range of extras.  Please note these are genuine options and are therefore not essential with every collator purchase.  For more detailed information please click on the link below.

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Preparation to Retro-Fit Deep Pile Feeders. We have known clients to purchase deep pile feeders at extra cost for fear that it would be the wrong decision not to.  Some have found after running the collator that this was not really necessary and the extra money required was not well spent.  As far as we know Col-Tec are the only manufacturers now offering clients the possibility to retrofit deep pile feeders to a standard pile machine.  In the event the customer decides after running the machine in their production environment that deep pile would be a real advantage, they can choose to proceed with the retrofit option at any time.

Advanced Computer Controlled Programming Unit. Screen with guidance information for user.  Automatic start-up of the feed stations and shut down when the job is complete.  Insertion of sheets on one or all stations.  With ultrasonic detectors fitted, automatic miss sheet correction without stopping the collator and the option to feed multiple sheets into the set is possible from any of the stations.  There is the option to pre-select the criss cross jogger at any pre-determined number of cycles as well as displaying production data statistics.

Double Stroking Conveyor Drive for doubling Output Speed. The collator can be loaded with the same job twice, i.e.  collator running at approximately 2,500 cph will deliver two complete sets into the booklet maker running at 5,000cph.  To achieve a production speed of 5,000 sets per hour (assuming no stoppages) the collator would normally have to cycle at 5,000cph.  Using this flexible drive the collator can cycle at half that speed whilst still achieving 5,000 booklets per hour.

Ultrasonic Miss and Double Detection System (in addition to standard vacuum miss and mechanical double detectors).  This system has the advantage of being able to stop the machine for a double sheet as it is fed out of the feeding station.  The detectors are self-setting and can be re-calibrated at the touch of a button.


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