Are Collator Machines Still Necessary?

29th July 2024, 06:45 am
Are Collator Machines Still Necessary?

The Information Age feels like it's leaving paper behind, with everything from newspapers to novels fitting in the pocket-sized library of our phones. So, are collator machines next to become relics of the past?

Not at all. Despite the digital shift, there are still plenty of situations where physical collators prove invaluable - including some you might not expect. Read on to find out why collators are still useful, where they're used, and what kind of benefits they bring to the table!

Where Are Collator Machines Still Needed?

The modern age hasn't gotten rid of physical documents altogether, which means that collators are still needed to assemble pages in the right order. Here are some areas where they continue to be invaluable:

1. Print Books and Magazines

Despite the digital revolution, physical copies are holding their own.

Surveys show that a majority of people still prefer to curl up with a good old-fashioned printed book or magazine. A YouGov Profiles poll found that only 18% of Britons enjoy reading magazines more online than in print, and the story's the same for novels: a Stora Enso study revealed that 65% of people worldwide favour physical books over ebooks (21%) and audiobooks (14%).

With print clearly winning the popularity contest, paper isn't going anywhere anytime soon - and as a result, neither are collators.

2. Specific Fields

Some industries rely on paper over digital copies for security and enforcement reasons. Lawyers and doctors, for instance, need physical copies of documents to follow regulations and keep good records. Similarly, schools might hand out printed packets for presentations or exams to avoid tech issues or distractions.

3. Physical Backups

In some situations, having a physical copy of important documents is essential. Collators make sure that businesses and organisations have organised and easily accessible paper backups, just in case their system crashes or digital files are accidentally erased.

4. Non-Paper Uses

Collators aren't just for paper - they're also used for a variety of specialised factory tasks. For example, plastic card collators are used to assemble multiple plastic cards into a single set. They're often part of a larger production line for ID cards, credit cards, or membership cards. This means that, even if paper went the way of the dinosaurs, collators would still be essential to countless industries.

Why Choose a Collator Machine Over Manual Collating?

So, it's clear that collator machines still have their place. But why invest in one when you can do it by hand?

While hand-collating might work for small projects, a collator machine is a lifesaver for anything larger. Here's why:

  • Sorting complex projects with many pages by hand can be time-consuming. Collators can do this much faster than a human, so you get your finished product quicker.
  • Many collators work alongside other finishing equipment like staplers and binders. This creates a smooth workflow that gets your documents ready to go in fewer steps.
  • Collators are built for precision and repetition, minimising the chance of pages being missed or misplaced due to human error.
  • By automating collation, you free up your team's time and reduce labour costs. This is a huge advantage for big printing jobs where manual collation would be long and tedious.
  • Collators can handle a wide range of paper sizes, weights, and types. This makes them perfect for all your printing needs, especially custom jobs where digital solutions might not be flexible enough.

Col-Tec: 50+ Years of Collator Machine Innovation

For over five decades, Col-Tec have been at the forefront of collating technology. We design and build a comprehensive range of suction feed collators for paper and plastic cards, along with additional equipment to tackle projects of any size or complexity, anywhere in the world.

Col-Tec collators are renowned for their market-leading construction, reliability, and capacity to handle a wider variety of materials and sheet sizes compared to competitors. We can also design custom collators that meet your specific requirements. Whether you need a basic collator or a highly adaptable system for specialised tasks, we have you covered. We even offer cost-effective rentals for short-term needs!

Ready to take your production to the next level? Book a consultation online or call us on +44 01425 627755 today, and let us create the ideal collating solution for your business.


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